Your WorthFM Accounts

WorthFM invests your funds in well-diversified, low-fee, professionally managed portfolios that are selected for you based on your risk attitude, when you plan to withdraw funds, and your overall financial picture.
Your portfolios contain up to 8 exchange traded funds (ETFs) that are diversified across thousands of stocks and bonds of various individual companies and many industries that operate in the U.S. and Internationally.
The ETFs we’ve selected for your portfolio are managed by some of the world’s most recognized firms, including Vanguard, Black Rock, and State Street, and are chosen for their historical performance and low cost structure.
We continuously monitor your portfolios and rebalance them as your assets change to keep you on the right track.

Use the slider to see how portfolios diversify as your investment balance grows or your risk tolerance changes.

Amount Invested

Portfolio Allocation

What is an ETF?

Unfamiliar with financial jargon? That’s OK. We strive to make the concepts clear and easy to understand. Watch our video about ETFs.